Evil Warlock Jams To Kill Ancient Gods To

Skaði, Asgard

Æther Realm - One Chosen by the Gods

An eerie light descends
A sudden peace from the wind
A new sensation overcoming me
Now filled with lust for blood

With nothing left to lose
I step back to the fray
Their force asleep and none will ever see another day
My courage has been found
Begin to cut them down
Revenge, revenge is my name

I wish to return to ethereal state
No pain or feeling
Relinquish my body in the darkened night
I slowly drift away

Leaving my body I'm finally free
No physical traits
The perfect being
Rush of color, divine new realm
Come with me, Come with me

I am one chosen by the Gods

Æther Realm - The Magician

Alone on the ancient mountaintop
Stood the one who had lost his way
For when you walk on the path of a traitor
You will find you may soon be betrayed
Stray not from the path you've chosen
You may yet find what you seek
You will learn to command the ethereal realm
And fulfill your destiny

Go now to the realm of spirits child
You are running out of time
Seek quickly the one who will guide you
Who will teach you the way of light

No amount of work or training
Can prepare you for the changing winds
But don't despair my child
You must fight
Take hold of strength divine
Shape the world to your design
And release the power you keep inside your heart

I am the light when a life's at its end
The still burning candle when darkness descends
I am desire, warmth from the fire
Fueling your steps when your journey began

I am the fear twisting tight round your throat
The life giving spark hiding deep in your soul
I am your aura, hunger for honor
I hold the power you seek

A fire arose behind his eyes
The trees, like torches, blazed up in the night
The fire raced across the sky
The trees like torches
Like torches blazed with light

And now they're on the run
No mercy smite them one by one
You've got an axe to grind
Relentless, no one left behind
Immolation is their fate
Hunt them down and let them feel your hate
No cowards left alive
By your power they will die

This was the song her entire backstory was based on. I basically left out only few lines of the lyrics.

Demons & Wizards - New Dawn

Along with the dawn
It will be gone
All will cease
When the damage is done
It's paradise lost
Thy kingdom come

Your damage is done
True bliss you have blown away
Gods I will heal it all
With your fire
Gods I redeem them
Gods I redeem
These fools into the light
Drown in the light
Inflame the horizon
I'll cleanse it with fire
I'll cleanse it with fire

Frozen Crown - Crowned in Frost

A blaze of glory
Here is the end of my path, there's no return
Close to the edge begins my story
Frosty winds are rising on the land

Giving my life for the Crown
Over the shivering shore a village burns down
And our victory is close as they drown
Our kingdom will come
A new day at the lights of dawn

I'll take them away, all the remnants
Of the souls I've mourned until today
I will be forever free
Ravens cried their songs after sorrow built my throne

I will return to lead my Kingdom once and for all
With steel, fire and force
I'll be forever crowned in Frost

Frozen Crown - I am the Tyrant

Born from the depths in the highlands
Between the daughters of wind
And the sons of the sea
Raised by the wolves and their hunger
I knew the world's bloody end
Before the struggle began

I am the tyrant, crowned and fallen
Before the age of men
I am the hunter, bound and rotten
Beyond the gates of hell

I'll release the fire moving towards the rifts
As the wicked desire unleashes
Thorns, entwined on my grave
Sealed up forever my throne, death after death

Brendon Small - To Kill a God

Through the snow
Flanked by the ocean
Your mission is a cold annihilation

Fall in
The order's here
The warlock and the god
Entwined within their bodies

The sky will part to let the demon soul descend

Don't leave the gods alive
They've come to crush your soul

Fordable as kings

Frozen Crown - Crown Eternal

Here I have been waiting for so long
Here I stand in the barren land, forever and beyond
Stronger than all, the fear inside has gone

And I will ride the wind of fate alone
For all I know it will always set the road (day after day)
And the stars that shine so bright are
Lighting my path among these empty trails
Never I'll follow the steps that lie after me

In my heart, the scars I got so far, they remind
What is left behind is part of who we are
Day after day, I've become a better one
All I own is here, my reason of life, my sword
Endless bliss awaits the end of my strife, I know

I'd cross a thousand seas to claim my crown

Ensiferum - Treacherous Gods

On the vast fields of snow, the wind is blowing strong
With it's frozen cold and relentless touch
It leaves a dead and hollow land of ice

The calling of the howling wind
Is raging in the realms of north
Creations of ice rising mighty into the skies
And treacherous gods shall fall

Watching through the falling snow
There's no sign of life
The fire has gone out in the whirl of time
Behold the face of thunder
The storm is getting near
When the sky calls my name, I have no fear

They brought us misfortune,
But their honor is about to be crushed
My blood flows cold as streams of the north
We'll never let them take our souls

Time and time again
I witness the birth of a new born star
I climb the highest mountain
To find the essence of a new era

Battle Beast - Unholy Savior

Who am I?
A godless child?
The answer escapes my mind

Flay my flesh
In torture's nest
Hell's desire manifests

Unholy savior - awakens within
Salvation - in disguise
The undreaming darkness
The undreaming darkness
A graven image - a hero to some
Destroyer cold as death
The slayer of hearts
Unholy savior - forever to be
Salvation - in disguise
The undreaming darkness

Salvation in disguise!

Brendon Small - Become the Storm

Follow me
Assume the form
Fuse the elements of thunder and lightning
Become the storm

We were born
To become the storm
Take the form
And become the storm

We must march
To his throne
We will die
For our home

From the land
To the sea
There's no "them"
Only "we"