First concept of this version of Skadi

She had a bit purple skin here because of the Destiny version.

Young/mortal Skadi

Growing up.

As a Queen/chieftan during her various lifetimes.

Known warlock Patrons

Aspect of the Faerie Queen

Aspect of the Water God

Aspect of the Wish-Giver

Aspect of the Chained Devil

Other fun stuff

Quick sketch I did for women's day with all her Queens

Artfight attack including Skadi with Princess

Gifts/art from others

with Princess again! Art by mnchrmalien

Artfight art from alientoastt

Artfight and a random paintinig by vvave

Artfight art from evermeer

Artfight art from liefygreens

Artfight art from lokh

Pixel Skadi from Heisen