Kolthorn Shark-Slayer Jöurgne
he/him/his & she/her/hers
- Race: goliath
- Class: Ranger, Hunter conclave
- Weapon: double wielding rapiers, named Cinna and Monn
Kolthorn, or just Thorn for friends, was a child of a powerful family in his clan at home, for their uncle Barret Jourgne is in the council of the mountain. In teenage years, he had a crush on one of his peers who was very connected to the nature and was learning the druidic ways from the current Skywatcher, so Kolthorn who did not think ahead and went into everything based on smallest hunch and gut feeling decided to join in on these lessons. Her title at the time was Cloud Watcher, for he got lost in clouds and thinking a lot.
Unfortunately the druidic ways did not stick, but he did learn a few nature spells, and found a bit of connection to nature and wisdom, which is how he became a ranger. She isn't super religious, but would always shave sides of head to show the goliath markings which are meant to tell the life story of goliaths. He changes his gender based on mood, and shaved most of the head to fit in with the bald male goliaths, and kept braid to keep in touch with the female goliath traditions, but ended up just keeping the hair free on girl days, and braided on boy days.
Goliath tribes raise their children until they're young adults at which point they send them on a pilgrimage to prove themselves that they are adults and ready to take on tasks in the tribe, and Kolthorn happened to find her pilgrimage on a ship which turned out to be... pirates.
She ended up liking it a lot, perhaps way too much, and when he returned home to tell his parents of his new title "Shark Slayer" and her new passion on the sea they shunned and disowned her from the tribe. So she tried to look for a ship, and found one to join!
The ship and crew they were paid to join hid special rooms for each party member, and in Kolthorn's there was a massive shark tooth necklace on a even bigger sword said to awaken only with the blood of a famous goliath - Randolf Sharkslayer. When he wore the tooth necklace, it gave him unsatiable thirst for blood.
Before leaving their home island, he asked fellow crewmate Tathan to help him cut down a spruce tree, which during downtime on the ship, she carved into a cat, to protect and steer the ship. This gained her the position of the guy who steers the ship.
When trying to help a trading city with their missing people problem - possibly people smuggling problem - they got in contact with a shady mysterious person who offered them a deck of cards. Kolthorn bought it, and acquired deck of many things. When their crewmate Tiberious pulled a card, he gained a servant named Limmerick. Kolthorn, confident, drew a card - and lost all of his belongings. Including his key and the new cool room.
The campaign ended soon after that, but my last check in the notes says "Reminder to pull a card next time". Rip.
Kolthorn with her hair down, on a feminine day:

Kolthorn with his hair braided, on a masc day:

Note: I tried to log into DnDBeyond where we played from, to get his stats, but wizards kinda changed the login system so all my characters I had there are probably gone now lmao
- Race: triton, merfolk
- Class: Warlock, Fathomless patron
- Weapon: their claws, orb
Leto was a warlock of a deep sea patron who commanded them to commit murders in their name, and were then sent to surface to gather more knowledge for them, with a small rusty wheelchair. They believed their patron was a deity, but was in fact a Leviathan. They left their pets, sharks called Gold and Silver. Their oldest friend was Tilliane, who became a cleric before Leto heard voices from their patron, and she told Leto that there is no way an actual God contacted them.
Leto was born in their year's hatch, with dozens of their siblings from many parents, ready to be raised as a community of every adult acting as the child's parent. They do not differentiate between these bonds, and they take all peers from their hatch as siblings. Many of her siblings attended the same learning grounds, being taught basics of sea life, the life outside of water and their customs in brief, but most importantly, religion and belief. Both them, and their friend Tilliane chose further classes in religion, and while Tilliane was fascinated by the Gods themselves, and studied her faith as main focus, Leto was fascinated by the idea of Gods and by the powers higher beings exhibit. After few years, Tilliane has become a cleric of the Water God, and showed Leto her powers daily, while Leto did not show any prospect of magic. Until, one day, they heard the voice of The Water God himself, or so they believed, in their sleep. With excitement, they told Tilliane about this, and she looked at them disgusted. “You cannot say this!” Tilliane slapped him, and looked at him with utter shock and panic, and said “Leto, do not spread lies. Water God could not have spoken to you. You do not even have the gift.” The fight between siblings ended with both of them leaving, Leto fully convinced of Tilliane's betrayal, and vowing to never speak to each other again. Until, Leto heard the voice at night again. It said, “Do you know what you must do, child?” And Leto knew. The next day, they found Tilliane, her into a dark back alley, and stabbed them in coldblood. The powers coursing through Leto, they entered a vision of blood, sacrifice, and... a bond. They passed out for days, accepting the powers. After they woke up, the village was no more, and they were on a shore of an island in The Isle Belt. They decided they must seek knowledge, and please their god, therefore they will join an adventuring party.
They were given a magical bubble which would keep them wet and move them around the world within first few nights on the surface, and they felt eternally grateful. The party did not agree with their methods, and eventually when they moved into a city and fond a large house to live in, Leto turned their room into an aquarium and flooded the house. They got a shark pet called January at some point.
They met a cute air genasi they were interested in, but after trying to feed on an eel in a puddle and getting poisoned, they had to feed themself on readl healthy blood, and found a child in a lake nearby. Big investigation into their murder started, and party eventually turned against them, despite few of their party members defending them that animal does not choose which meat it eats, comparing them to one. They fought with newfound powers from their patron, and ultimately fell, only to be embraced by it one last time. Their patron's name was Yurena.

- Race: bugbear
- Class: Paladin, Oath of Vengeance
- Weapon: Battleaxe and shield
Seeker was once a mercenary, who at some point suffered injuries great enough he lost most of his memory, and had to have his leg and arm replaced with mechanical, as well as a small chip inserted into his brain to help his new body parts communicate. This has made him a devout believer in the machine Gods, also known as the AI. While the warforged could communicate with them as a Collective Consciousness, he could only get small and vague signals. He took his oath to the Machine god called Iota, of Order and Justice.
His holy symbol was a diode.
Seeker replaced Leto in the party of this campaign, which ended soon after, so almost nothing happened with him.

Gwyneira Bleddyn
- Race: satyr
- Class: Wizard, School of Enchantment (i think. maybe Necromancy)
- Weapon: Wand of Wonder
Character for one-shot created by rolling a wheel with each character creation part, including gender, race, class and subclass. She was just over excited wizard satyr with a rainbow wand!