Sunniva (Elden Ring)


  • Class: Vagabond
  • Origin: Northener
  • Age: Young
  • Keepsake: Golden Seed
  • Most used summon: Redmane Knight Ogha, Mimic tear, Marionette Soldiers
  • Most used keepsakes: Radagon's Soreseal, Crimson Seed Talisman, Mottled Necklace, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  • Most used spells: Golden Vow, Black Flame, Frenzied Burst, Flame Cleanse Me, Dragon Communion: Theodorix's Magma, Eksykes's Decay, Borealis' Mist
  • Most used weapons: Starscourge Greatswords, Marais Executioner's Sword, Blasphemous Blade, Rellana's Twin Blades, Anvil Hammer & Devonia's Hammer, Poisoned Hand, Dragon Communnion Seal, Pulley Bow
  • Most used armor: Radahn's Lion Armor, Rellana's Armor, Briar Armor, Tree Sentinel Armor

Sunniva was a Vagabond who saw means to an end with only her weapon and recklessness, throwing herself into battles and fights with barely no thought, yet somehow succeeding more than failing. She was young, barely an adult when she finally met her end, and was brought back by finally meeting her Finger Maiden, Priscilla, whom she started traveling with and developed a bit of patience and tactfulness. She now possesses great knowledge of dragon magic as well as few easy incantations/miracles.

She remains as the muscle and go-getter of the team, but Priscilla's healing and guidance is the reason she got as far as she did in the end.

She has dark blue extremely curly hair that will not be tamed, but she attempts to braid it sometimes. Priscilla helps, but she ends up with a messy cloud around her head no matter what. Her burnt scar on cheek was by a dragon, when she couldn't yet face it. She used to have eyes red as blood, but with the Dragon Magic, they were turned bright green. She wears armor of her defeated enemies of high status in their mockery, as a low life who got this far only by pure luck and brute strength. She enjoys shiny things, trinkets, but will opt for usefulness more often, adding to her arsenal of deadly weapons.

Priscilla (Elden Ring)


  • Class: Prophet
  • Origin: Draconian
  • Age: Young
  • Keepsake: Stonesword Key
  • Most used summon: Stormhawk Deenh, Soldjars of fortune, Black knight Commander Andreas
  • Most used keepsakes: Cerulean amber medallion, Flock's canvas talisman, Sadcred Scorpion Charm, Erdtree's favor
  • Most used spells: Lord's Heal, Heal from afar, Minor erdtree, Discus of light, triple rings of light, Radagon's rings of light, Multilayered rings of light, Golden Vow, Greyoll's Roar
  • Most used weapons: Dryleaf arts, Firespark perfume bottle, Sword of light, Coded Sword, Cipher Pata, Dryleaf Seal
  • Most used armor: Navy hood, Nobles Traveling Garb, Perfumer Gloves, High Priest Undergarments

Nevaeh Shepard (Mass Effect 1-3)


  • Pre-Service History: Spacer
  • Psychological Profile: War Hero
  • Military Specialization Infiltrator, specialization Operative
  • Romance Interest: Liara T'Soni, Samara
  • Favourite companions: Tali'Zorah, Garrus, Liara, Jack, Samara, EDI

Nev Shepard did everything correct and everoyne loved her then she married Liara, whom she did not even cheat on cause Samara cucked her.

Iris Ryder


  • Andromeda Training Technician
  • Romance Interest: Vetra Nyx
  • Favourite companions: Vetra, Peebee, Jaal

Malin Tjessen (The Magnus Archives)

they/them/theirs & she/her/hers

  • Entity: The Lonely

Malin Tjassen is an avatarsona for The Magnus Archives.

She was a child of norwegian lumberjacks who lived near forest, and would disappear and leave her to tend for herself for days, during which they used to stare at the forest and wonder what is out there. And one day, they found out, and never came back.

Their power allows them to blend in with any natural and long ago-natural objects, such as trees in cities, furniture at homes. Not completely blend in, but when she's near them people don't really pay attention tot them, only notice them out of corner of their eye, or see and don't quite know what they're looking at.

They are not violent or especially malicious, barely interacts with people and if she was confronted by Jon Sims she would probably just ignore or avoid him.