Olympian Gods
Boons and Spells
Upon completing a room, each player will receive their individual reward. Gods and their boons are random, however first reward in Tartarus will always feature a Core Boon: Primary, Special or Cast.
Each player will have their own God Pool of four Gods + Hermes.
Tier 2 boons (spells) are only available with a core boon prerequisite.

King of the Olympians
- Primary - Lightning Strike: Additional
1d6 lightning damage . If there's enemy within 5ft, they take the damage as well. - Special - Thunder Flourish: Additional
1d6 lightning damage to each target. - Cast - Electric Shot: Ranged attack up to chain of 3 enemies within 10 ft of each other.
1d6 lightning damage to each. - Call - Lightning Storm: 30ft circle around self. Each enemy must make CON save or take
1d10 lightning damage on a failed save, and half on success. - Spells:
- Static Smite:
- Special action.
- Concentration until used - up to 1 minute.
- Next primary attack or cast will inflict
Jolted on enemy. Jolted enemy must make a CON save or take1d6 lightning damage when they attack. - Storm Lightning:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- Your chain effects have range of additional 5ft for the turn.

God of the Sea
- Primary - Tempest Strike: Changes damage to
1d12 and enemy must make STR save or be pushed back 10ft/knocked prone (player's choice). - Special - Tempest Flourish: Changes dmg to
1d10 and enemy must make STR save or be pushed back 10ft/knocked prone. - Cast - Flood Shot: Ranged attack roll (
1d20 + DEX ) - circle of 10ft on impact within range of 30ft. Changes damage to1d6 and enemy must make a STR save or be pushed back 10ft/knocked prone. - Call - Breaking Wave: Surge forward up to half of your speed. Each enemy must make a STR save or take
1d10 damage on a failed save and be pushed 5ft, half on success and not pushed. - Spells:
- Razor Smite:
- Special action.
- Concentration until used. - up to 1 minute.
- Next primary attack or cast will inflict
Rupture . Ruptured enemy must make a CON save or take1d6 damage for every 5ft they move. - Rip Current:
- Prerequisite: Breaking Wave.
- Special Action.
- Concentration until used - up to 1 minute.
- Your next Breaking Wave will allow you to move up to your whole speed.

Goddess of Wisdom
- Primary - Divine Strike: Changes damage to
1d12 radiant and when used as reaction, can deflect enemy projectiles. Roll1d10 + STR/DEX and reduce the damage taken. If it is over the full damage, throw the projectile back with your DEX modifier. - Special - Divine Flourish: Changes damage to
1d10 radiant when used as reaction, can deflect enemy projectiles. Roll1d10 + STR/DEX and reduce the damage taken. If it is over the full damage, throw the projectile back with your DEX modifier. - Cast - Phalanx Shot: Ranged attack roll (
1d20 + DEX ), impact in radius of 10ft,1d6 radiant damage . When used as reaction, can deflect enemy projectiles. Roll1d10 + STR/DEX and reduce the damage taken. If it is over the full damage, throw the projectile back with your DEX modifier. - Call - Divine Protection: Shield surrounds you and blocks all incoming attacks for next round. Can reflect incoming attack back at enemy. Roll
1d10 + STR/DEX and reduce the damage taken. If it is over the full damage, throw the projectile back with your DEX modifier. - Spells:
- Bronze Skin:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- Gain resistance to all damage for one turn.

Goddess of the Hunt
- Primary - Deadly Strike: Changes damage to
1d10 and enablesCritical hit on 18-20. - Special - Deadly Flourish: Changes damage to
1d8 and enablesCritical hit on 18-20. - Cast - True Shot: Ranged attack roll (
1d20 + DEX ),1d6 and enablesCritical hit on 18-20. Ignores shields. - Call - Hunter's Mark: Send out a seeking arrow up to 5 enemies. Enemies must make a CON save or take
1d10 damage on fail, half on success. - Spells:
- Clean Kill:
- Special action.
- Concentration until used. - up to 1 minute.
- Next time you strike a
critical hit, roll additional dice. - Fully Loaded:
- Full action.
- Concentration - 1 minute.
- Gain one additional cast for the length of the spell.

Goddess of Love and Beauty
- Primary - Heartbreak Strike: Changes damage to
1d12 psychic and enemy must make a CON save or beWeakened - their next attack will do-1d4 damage . - Special - Heartbreak Flourish: Changes damage to
1d10 psychic and enemy must make a CON save or beWeakened - their next attack will do-1d4 damage . - Cast - Crush Shot: 10ft wide, 10ft long cone, melee attack roll (
1d20 + STR ). On hit,1d6 psychic damage and enemy must make a CON save or they will beWeakened - their next attack will do-1d4 damage . - Call - Unhealthy Fixation: Send out a seeking arrow that
Charms enemies. Enemies must make a CON save or beCharmed . Can repeat at the end of its turn. Enemies must make a DEX save, or take1d10 psychic damage on fail, half on success - Spells:
- Sweet Surrender:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- One
weakened enemy of your choice will take additional1d4 psychic damage from next source of damage. - Blown Kiss:
- Prerequisite: Crush Shot.
- Full action.
- Concentration - 1 minute.
- Your Crush Shot cast will become 20ft long and undamaged foes will take additional
1d4 psychic damage .

God of War
- Primary - Curse of Agony: Additional
1d6 necrotic damage and target must make a CON save of be infliced withDoom - enemies will take additional1d4 necrotic damage on their turn. - Special - Curse of Pain: Additional
1d6 necrotic damage and target must make a CON save of be infliced withDoom - enemies will take additional1d4 necrotic damage on their turn. - Cast - Slicing Shot: Send out
Blade rift - 15ft line, every enemy must make a DEX save or take1d6 necrotic damage . - Call - Vicious Cycle: Turn into a
Blade Rift and move forward up to half of your speed. Each enemy must make a DEX save or take1d10 necrotic damage on failed, and half on success. - Spells:
- Black Metal:
- Prerequisite: Slicing Shot or Vicious Cycle.
- Special action.
- Concentration until used - up to 1 minute.
- Next Blade rift (Cast or Call) will be 5ft wider.
- Rage Smite:
- Special action.
- Concentration until used - up to 1 minute.
- Next primary attack or cast will deal additional
1d6 necrotic damage and target must make a CON save of be infliced withDoom - enemies will take additional1d4 necrotic damage on their turn.

God Wine
- Primary - Drunken Strike: Additional
1d6 poison damage and target must make a CON save or beHungover - take half of the damage taken again at the beginning of their turn. - Special - Drunken Flourish: Additional
1d6 poison damage and target must make a CON save or beHungover - take half of the damage taken again at the beginning of their turn. - Cast - Trippy Shot: Throw a bomb of 10ft radius circle within 30ft, each enemy must make a DEX save or take
1d6 poison damage . - Call - Black Out: 30ft circle around self. Each enemy must make CON save or take
1d10 poison damage on a failed save and becomeHungover , and half on success, not hungover. - Spells:
- Premium Vintage:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- Heal yourself or ally within 10ft for 3d6 healing when you consume Nectar. Receive one now.
- Numbing Smite:
- Special action.
- Concentration until used - up to 1 minute.
- Next primary attack or cast will inflict
Hangover on nearest enemy.

Goddess of Seasons
- Primary - Frost Strike: Changes damage to
1d12 cold and enemy must make a CON save or beChilled - slows their speed in half and they cannot take reactions. - Special - Frost Flourish: Changes damage to
1d10 cold and enemy must make a CON save or beChilled - slows their speed in half and they cannot take reactions. - Cast - Crystal Beam: Place a beam within 30ft of self that will target nearest enemy. Make ranged attack roll (
1d20 + DEX ),1d6 cold damage . - Call - Winter Harvest: 30ft circle around self. Each enemy must make CON save or take
1d10 cold damage on a failed save and beChilled , and half on success, not chilled. Chilled enemies have their speed slowed in half and cannot take reactions. - Spells:
- Nourished Soul:
- Full action.
- Instantaneous.
- Heal everyone in 30ft radius for
1d4 healing . - Glacial Glare:
- Prerequisite: Crystal Beam
- Special action.
- Concentration - 1 minute.
- Your cast will stay on the ground until the spell ends.

God of Swiftness
- Primary - Swift Strike: Allows player to use primary attack twice in one turn.
- Special - Swift Flourish: Allows player to use secondary attack twice in one turn.
- Cast - Maybe soon...:
- Call - Quick Favor: Allows Call to be used once every 2 turns.
- Spells:
- Greater Haste:
- Special action.
- Concentration - 1 minute.
- Gain additional 10ft speed.
- Hyper Sprint:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- After moving your full speed, gain resistance to next damage taken.
- Side Hustle:
- Special action.
- Instantaneous.
- Gain 10 obols upon entering next chamber.