Character Creation
Mirror of Night
The Party are Shades hired by Hades to help Zagreus testing out the abilities of the Underworld to keep the souls in. They've been given access to his weapons.
Each player will choose one of each of the following upgrades of Mirror of Night. The upgrades will be added to base statblock of
Some of the Layers of Underworld

Tartarus is an indoor biome just outside of the House of Hades. It is a maze of dungeons and corridors which holds the souls of those who committed crimes and sins in their lives. The River Styx flows through and around Tartarus, emptying into a pool inside the House of Hades itself. Tartarus is the first biome the Shades must fight through to escape the Underworld.
"The lowest reaches of the Underworld are reserved not just for the Master's own abode, but for the benefit of every wretch who, in the course of drawing breath, failed every opportunity to leave any sort of positive impression behind. Tartarus is one of the Master's most elaborate designs, constructed not just to contain the wretched dead, but to oppress them, to punish them. The Master has no pity for the wretches, here; he would say they had their chance, and knew the risks of leading hateful lives. Punishment is all that is left for souls such as these; no more chance of rehabilitation, only suffering. Some miserably toil about, while others receive dedicated hands-on treatment, courtesy of the Master's overseers, who ensure Tartarus always retains the reputation that it has."
Expected traps: Floor traps, chimera traps, explosive barrels.
Commonly seen enemies: Wretched Thug, Wretched Witch, Wretched Lout, Wretched pest, Numbskull, Skullomat, Wringer, Brimstone.
Featured mini-bosses: Dire Inferno Bomber, Wretched Sneak, Doomstone.
Final boss: The Furies.

Asphodel, once known as the Asphodel Meadows, is a desolate collection of rocky islands amidst a sea of fire beyond Tartarus. Travel between these islands is done via small bone rafts. Asphodel is the second biome the Shades encounters during their escape attempts. Supposedly, the Asphodel Meadows once lived up to their name. They were verdant plains dotted with their namesake flowers in which the unremarkable dead - those who had earned neither punishment in Tartarus nor glory in Elysium - roamed for eternity. At some point before the game's story, the fiery river Phlegethon overflowed, flooding the legendary meadows and reducing them to the magma-filled, barren hellscape seen in-game.
"Among the many reasons it is best for mortals to strive to treat each other reasonably well is that, after having lived their short lives, they may wind up stuck with one another for eternity in the meadows of Asphodel. There are only several destinations for the vast majority of mortals, after all. The worst are sent to Tartarus; the greatest, to Elysium; and all the others, there. Asphodel is the vastest region of the Underworld, not dissimilar in ways from soaring surface planes, save for the presence of the ever-burning River Phlegethon. Some shades of Asphodel express concern that the river threatens to flood, to engulf the meadows in fire and ash. At the House of Hades we have downplayed the likelihood of this; but we are ill-equipped to deal with the outcome, should it come to pass. At best, we can swiftly relocate the shades who wish to leave Asphodel's outskirts."
Expected traps: Explosive barrels, rivers of magma that occasionally shoot out balls into the arena, smoke vents.
Commonly seen enemies: Bloodless, Bone-Raker, Burn Flinger, Brimstone, Gorgon, Inferno Bomber, Numbskull, Skull-Crusher, Skullomat, Slam Dancer, Wave Maker, Dracon, Spreader.
Featured mini-bosses: Megagorgon & Dire Skull-Crusher (Power Couple), Dire Spreaders (Witches), Voidstone (Barge of Death - includes Burn Flingers or Inferno Bombers).
Final boss: Lernaean Bone Hydra.

Elysium (also known as the Elysian Fields) is the section of the underworld reserved for those who were great heroes or particularly beloved by the gods in life. It is seen as an eternal paradise, where warriors, heroes and kings relive their living days by engaging in recreational combat. Elysium is filled with ageless crystal structures and statues depicting various heroes, all overgrown with moss. The river of forgetfulness, Lethe, flows through the area, numbing the memories and old pains of the shades who reside there. Elysium is the third biome the Shades encounter in their escape attempts.
"Some mortals surely would wish to live forever if only they could. Though, for the sensible ones, spending an eternity in the fields of Elysium would be their foremost choice; to the forever in that beautiful place, together with only the greatest souls to have ever lived. Elysium is the most exclusive, sparsely populated region in the Underworld, and even still, it is perhaps the most well-known (although Tartarus has considerable notoriety, as well). Only the great get in. Many mortals strive for greatness all their lives, never quite realizing there is no existing formula for it. Not even a specific definition for it. Greatness is evaluated here, by several judges entrusted to consider the many cases the Master himself cannot see to personally. So, it must be said that reaching Elysium is no small feat. A lifetime spent achieving impressive feats is the best preparation I can think of."
Expected traps: Phoenix eggs, automatic crossbow traps, hoplite statues.
Commonly seen enemies: The Exalted: Brightsword, Greatshield, Longspear, Strongbow; Flame Wheel, Nemean Chariot, Soul Catcher, Voidstone, Splitter.
Featured mini-bosses: Soul Catcher, Asterius.
Final boss: Heroes of Elysium.
Temple of Styx

The Temple of Styx is the gateway of the Underworld, and acts as the barrier between the surface world and the land of the dead. At the back of the temple, the watchful hellhound Cerberus assumes his post, devouring any soul attempting to leave. The Temple is the 4th and final biome the Shades must fight through in order to escape the Underworld, after surviving the perils of Elysium. This biome is structured differently than the previous three biomes of the game, featuring five wings of small chambers with rewards only offered in the final room of a wing.
"Despite the infamy of the River Styx among surface-dwelling, still-breathing mortals, the river is not found on any map. Mortals agree it is best to discover where the River Styx originates only when brought there. Those of us who lived upon the surface and made the journey here across the Styx now know the waters cut through a carved facade of stone, its unassuming exterior concealing a vast and intricately carved temple built in praise and fear of the Master, the god of the dead. Since the temple's construction, however, it has fallen into a state of relative disrepair; perhaps the mortals who erected it were all scared off by vicious Cerberus, who once guarded the gates. But now, the place is overrun with creatures of a very different kind, bent inexplicably on defacing the entire property, much to the Master's infinite frustration."
Expected traps: Guillotine traps (pressure plates or automatic), Snake Saw launcher, vents in the floor with poison clouds.
Commonly seen enemies: Bother, Crawler, Gigantic Vermin, Satyr Cultist, Snakestone.
Featured mini-bosses: Dire Bother, Snakestone, Gigantic Vermin or Satyr Cultist.
Possible Final boss: King Vermin.

The Surface awaits...
There are three encounters in each realm, with a chance for bonus rooms. Bonus rooms may include:
- Fountain room: free room that restores 50% HP. Appears on luck check 18-20 on a d20.
- Charon's shop: May offer a boon to buy, Food, Nectar or Centaur Heart. Guaranteed before final boss. Chance to appear after second encounter.
- Maybe more...
Nectars are healing potions recovering 1d4 HP on use. Must use primary action to consume.
Charon's obols may be earned in each room after a luck check in breakable urns, or from enemies.
Centaur heart increases MAX HP by 5.
Food heals for 30% of max HP.